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Tho prodnction of this manual has spanned several years during \&ch constant effort \vas made to eliminate errors. Much of the direct instructional information that resulted has been pretested in over 70 structural seminars attended by over 4000 engineers. The autlior has coordinated this \vith a continuing study of current welding research conducted hoth in the United States and Eumpe, and against a background of participation on various code-writing cominittees. This material represents an interpretation of the best in accumulated esperiencc of all w11o have participated in prior Foundation activities. and to the educators who will prepare young people for thest: professions. Now, the Foundation publishes this manna1 for fi~rther guidance and cl~allengeto architects, strtrctural engineers, fabricators and contractors who will build the structures of tomorrow. Thus, within the last decadc and particularly the past few years, unitized welded design llas become widely accepted for high-rise buildings and bridges of nobler proportions in addition to the broad base of more modest structures. Through its award programs and educational activities, the Foundation providcd an exchange of experience and gave impehls to the growing application of welding. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation was created by The Linwln Electric Company to help advance the progress in welded dcsign and construction. The American Welding Society first puhlislxd specifications for welded bridges in 1936. Tho first \\&led buildings were erectcd in the '20s-the greatest application being in low-level buildings of many types. WELDED STRUCTURAL CONNECTIONS have long been used in the coristrnction of buildings, bridges, and other strnctures. Permission to reprodnce any material contained herein will be granted upon request, providcd proper credit is given to The James F. Library of Congress Catalog Card Alumbe?: 66-23123 Printed in Ocerseas and Quantity Prices Upon Request FB-37 Palmer, Vice President, Central National Bank, Cleveland, Ohio fficerr: Koykka, Partner, Arter and Haddcn, Cleveland, Ohio Dreese, Chairman The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio T. Nordquist who has contributed much to the editing a d organization of the material from which this manual has been preparedĮ. Special acknowledgment is herewith made to Watson N. LINCOLN ARC WELDING FOUN First Printing 5,000 June 1966 Second Printing 10,000 November 1966 Third Printing 15,000 August 1967 Fourth Printing 15,000 July 1968 Fifth Printing 10,0 Sixth Printing 10,000 February 1974 Seventh Printing 10,000 October 1975 Eighth Printing 10,000 July 1976 Published as a Seroice to Education by S F. LIMGOLN ARC WELDING FOUNDATION CLEVELAND OHIO

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